Behind the Scenes of Kinect Star Wars!

We’ve all done it, right? At some point we’ve all looked at something and tried. We’ve looked at the TV remote just out of reach, that hair band you just dropped, an egg as it drops to the floor; We’ve looked at it and tried in that moment to use The Force. To summon all the secret energy of the universe at our will and use it to turn the tide of battle in intergalactic civil war. Unfortunately, Jedis only existed a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Here and now on Earth we have to be happy with fewer Death Stars and the Star Wars franchise.

But soon… soon, young jedis… Star Wars is going to be more fun with Kinect! Our team has been working unbelievably hard on Kinect Star Wars. In this awesome video you get to meet some of our team and hear about some of the Jedi powers you’ll be able to wield in Kinect Star Wars.

Which Jedi power are you most looking forward to using? Share your thoughts in the comments!