Kinect Helps in Surgery

While some games out there might give you headaches Microsoft Research is working with a group of London super brains to enable touchless viewing and manipulation of images while performing vascular surgery with the help of Kinect.

With this tech, complex aneurysm procedures are made easier and safer because surgeons can more easily maintain a sterile environment because they don’t need to manipulate equipment and they no longer need to rely on fallible human assistance to properly manipulate the visual-aid equipment.

“Until recently I was shouting out across the operating theatre to tell someone to go up, down, left right,” explains Doctor Tom Carrell. “But with the Kinect I’m able to get the position that I want quickly – and also without me having to handle non-sterile things like a keyboard or mouse during the procedure.”

The only downside to this innovation is that you’d have to be some sort of brain surgeon to use it.