“Kinect” With Us This Week at GDC 2012!

gdc12_logoEvery year at the time in San Francisco many of the gaming industries brightest and best gather for the Game Developers Conference. You can be sure we’ll be there talking with various space geniuses about Kinect, too!

In fact, if you’re headed there be sure to take note of two sessions of particular interest to anyone developing for Kinect”

Kinect Human Tracking – Better, Stronger, Faster: Thursday 4:00- 5:00 Room 2024, West Hall, 2nd Fl

“Kinect’s human-tracking algorithms represented significant advances in computer vision when launched just over a year ago. And luckily, the team didn’t stop there. Learn about the new features and quality improvements added since launch, as well as best practices for incorporating this new functionality into your Kinect title.”

Innovative Solutions to Gesture Detection with Kinect:  Thursday 5:30- 6:30 Room 2024, West Hall, 2nd Fl

“Many successful and innovative games use gestures as input. These games range over a wide variety of genres, platforms and input technologies, from a touch screen of a smart phone device to a full natural motion controller input device such as Kinect. Developing high quality reliant gestures is a non-trivial time consuming engineering task. In this talk we present an innovative new technology for developing high quality reliant gesture detection using machine learning. Demos, results, implementation and optimization details is discussed. Two case studies are also presented where solutions to gestures from Kinect Sports and Kinect Sports: Season Two are discussed.”

An even easier way to keep track of these awesome sessions and many more is the Microsoft at GDC Windows Phone App! This free app gives you all the information you’ll need about all the good stuff Microsoft is taking to GDC 2012 right in the palm of your hand! Check it out and download it here: http://www.windowsphone.com/en-US/apps/a4d7d142-2dbe-42d8-a8d0-0a2986ba868e

Will you be at GDC? Be sure to say hello! We’ll be there with the official KinectShare mascot, Minnie the Chihuahua. Stop and introduce yourself – we love to make new friends!Minnie01